My old friends have started having babies! It's so fun and exciting to welcome them to motherhood. As someone whose been there twice over, I love being able to help. Whether it's giving words of encouragement, gear recommendations, or popping by with a home cooked meal; there are so many ways to support a new mom. And let's face it, tackling parenthood for the first time is hard work, new moms deserve all the support they can get. With that in mind, I partnered with Munchkin to create this new mom survival kit complete with cute free printables!
Assembling a new mom survival kit is simple! First, decorate a medium sized tote bag with a fun iron-on. Download this Mothers are Miracles design in two colors: orange or hot pink. Simply print the image onto iron-on transfer paper, cut around the outside, and using a hot dry iron, adhere it to the tote.
Next up, fill it with goodies. Here is a free printable list, again in orange or hot pink. You can of course use your own been-there-done-that expertise to fill the kit, but here are my suggestions.
What to Pack In A New Mom Survival Kit:
For Baby:
- Burp cloths, my favorite are simple prefold diapers, they are large and absorbent.
- Plain onesies, you really can't have too many of these. I can't tell you how many times I've been thrilled to find one in the bottom of my diaper bag.
- Munchkin LATCH pacifiers, your body is not a binkie. If you can get your little one to use a pacifier you will be oh so happy.
- Munchkin LATCH bottles, whether you are feeding breastmilk or formula, a great bottle makes life so much easier.
For Mom:
- Water bottle, an easy open reusable water bottle is key. I've never been so thirsty as in those early days of motherhood.
- Coffee shop gift card, preferably one with a drive thru.
- Lactation cookies, these taste great and boost energy, mood, and supply! Here's the recipe!
- Mother's milk tea, I worried a lot about making enough milk, drinking this tea helped put my mind at ease.
- Nail polish, you might no have time to shower but you can still have cute toes! A little gentle reminder to practice self care.
- Your number, just knowing you have a friend to call can make such a big difference.
New LATCH Products by Munchkin
I so wish they had these when my babies were born! The pacifiers are all one piece, not too bulky, and come in cute colors! LATCH pacifiers are super lightweight and come in several shapes that grow with baby. And the LATCH bottles not only help by mimicking the breast, they also help reduce colic. I had such a hard time getting Ronan to take a pacifier or a bottle, but I bet these would have done the trick. Every baby is different and what works for one, doesn't always work for another, but these products are so well designed I think they are a great place to start. You can find the LATCH products online or at your next trip to Target!
I hope this kit helps you support and welcome a friend to motherhood. What do you think, did I forget something major? What would you add to the kit?
This post was sponsored by Munchkin. As always, all words and opinions are my own. Thank you so much for supporting the brands that make this blog possible.