The past few months have been life altering. Our family has gone from overjoyed to terrified to hopeful. Our routine 20 week ultrasound turned into a nightmare of tests and specialty appointments.
And while we are looking at major surgery a few days after birth, we have been given wonderfully favorable odds that he will grow to have a full and healthy life. We are beyond fortunate to be just an hour away from UCSF, one of the best hospitals in the world for treating pediatric heart conditions.
I have learned so much in the past few weeks about what I'm capable of, what really matters, the strength of my marriage, and the overwhelming support of friends and family. I am beyond grateful for each one of these lessons, even if I wish I didn't have to learn them in this way.
It's hard to know how to share this kind of news with an audience wider than one's inner circle. I want to be open and honest, but I also want to protect myself, and you. As someone who battles anxiety I know how other people's bad news can trigger difficult emotions, I don't want to cause anyone any undue worry. To all those mamas-to-be out there please know this a is an extremely rare and totally unpredictable condition. It wasn't genetic or preventable, and it looks like in the long run it will be totally okay.
As for me, I've got a lot to process and prepare for. I have a team of medical professionals I trust and village I can lean on. I'm not looking for medical advice, but I would love your positive thoughts for a healthy pregnancy and positive surgery outcome.
We'll take all the good vibes you can spare.