I thought it was about time that we formally introduced our newest pet, Eva Spring the lop-eared bunny.
Around Easter time I noticed a lot of great reminders that bunnies are serious pets and should not be brought into your life on a whim. And those warnings are right, having a bunny is nothing like having a goldfish and a lot like having a cat. However, if you are looking for a furry friend, they are pretty darn awesome. We have had our bunny Eva for almost a year now and I thought it would be fun to share what it's like to have a house bunny (spoiler alter: it's pretty rad and very adorable).
Bunnies are easy to care for. Eva is 100% litter trained, she uses a littler box just like a cat, although unlike a cat it doesn't smell and the contents are great for the garden! Bunnies also groom themselves so whilst they love a good brushing, which helps cut down on shedding too, you don't have to worry about giving them a bath. They need open access to fresh water, rabbit food, and timothy hay. Plus, I like to give her little healthy treats such as apples, chard, and of course, carrots!
Bunnies are super sweet and soft. Eva's favorite person is actually Ronan. She loves to be pet by him and when he asks for kisses she pushes her nose right into his puckered up lips. She is so soft and sweet, we all love petting her. She even learned how to hop onto our high bed, which upped the snuggle factor significantly. Bunnies are naturally very gentle and loved to be treated gently, it's a great way to teach little ones to be soft and calm around animals.
Bunnies are totally entertaining. The cuteness fact with bunnies is incredibly high, making just about anything they do fun to watch. One of Eva's favorite things to do is run through the play tunnel, her antics have us all in stitches. In her outside pen she sometimes runs in circles as fast as she can.
Bunnies are super quiet. When she is unhappy (rarely) she thumps, otherwise she is much quieter than a mouse. In fact, they should change that saying to "quiet as a bunny."
Okay, so now that I've convinced you that bunnies make great pets, let me give you a few warnings. Bunnies love to chew. Providing lots of toys helps, but Eva would still rather chew books, cords, and wood molding. It's a little like a cat who scratches the furniture, super frustrating, but you still love your cat. Don't expect your bunny to be as friendly as a golden retriever. Bunnies can be quite shy, they likely won't hop into your arms as soon as you return home. The relationship with a bunny tends to be more low key than that of a dog.
Bottom line: if you are looking for a sweet and snuggly family pet, and are ready for the care they require, I highly recommend adopting a bunny rabbit.