Hi Friends!! It's been way too long since I shared snippets of this little family with the world. And with family living far away that will just never do. Plus, I am officially the worst scrapbooker EVER so if I don't get it down here, it doesn't happen. Some of my very favorite posts on this site are sweet reminders of how quickly life changes. So here we have it, a little update on the boys and a few pictures from our recent trip to Truckee.
Jude is becoming such a grown-up kid. He loves school and gets along great with his teacher and the other kids. He went from knowing a few sight words and getting frustrated with sounding out to reading whole books! It is so fun to watch your child discover the magic of reading, I really couldn't be more proud. And what's more, he went from following me around with his note pad asking me how to spell every word to giving it a shot on his own and practicing what they call "best guess spelling", kindergarten sure is a cool place. Beyond reading and writing, he has also learned how to tie his shoes, ride a two wheeler, and a skateboard! Before I know it he'll be driving the car!!
Judisms still exist, I think my very favorite is that he says "I willn't" instead of "I won't". I willn't ever correct him. These days it's mostly his use of a very extensive vocabulary that cracks us up. He uses words like unnecessary, intelligently, and precipitation in everyday conversation. He's in that phase where he loves to play "what if" he could sit around and conjecture for hours.
Ronan continues to be the human embodiment of jazz hands. This kid is such a charmer, he's pretty much got us all wrapped around his chubby little finger. One of his coolest new tricks is telling knock, knock jokes! His brother taught him and it is so adorable. His favorite one to tell goes something like this: "Knock, Knock" "Who's there?" "Banana" "Banana who?" "Orange!" and of course we all crack up. Not only is he speaking in sentences, but he can ride his scooter and my personal favorite: use the potty! I'm tempted to cry daily over the fact that he isn't a baby anymore, but then for the most part it's all so fun.
His absolute favorite phrase is "Mommy hold you" and whilst the clinginess can be exhausting, I am also doing my best to savor this special phase while I still mean the world to him. Beyond being held by mommy his interests include anything with animals, especially of the barnyard variety, and playing with diggers. He also loves to come into bed with us and "cozy up" and his all time favorite snack is an "eema" (AKA tangerine).
I am happy to report that brotherly love still exists in this home. I'd be lying if I said that they didn't have squabbles, but overall the love is strong. Jude watches over his brother with such kindness and Ronan does his darndest to be just like his big brother.
I love being a mom, especially to these two amazing kiddos. I am so grateful and proud, what luck!