I am so excited to tell you about my latest writing gig. The funny thing is I have never thought of myself as a "writer". Sure I wrote countless college papers and random musings here on my own blog, but I've always thought I was more of a maker than a wordsmith. Creating things comes fairly easy to me, creating ideas, less so. But here I am writing professionally, and loving the challenge (all thanks to the wonderful people who stop by and read my words here, I am so very grateful for you). I am thrilled to be sharing my thoughts on motherhood over at Mom.me. Most of my posts are aimed at helping new and expectant mothers, but I think all moms can relate and enjoy them. I'm sharing a little snippet of my first four posts below, if you're interested I'd love for you to read them and perhaps share them with your expectant friends.
(Like my bumpin hair in that old school pic? Pretty awesome right?)
A Letter to My Pre-Baby Self: You are not tired. Please don’t ever tell a parent (especially a new one) that you’re exhausted, you’ll just embarrass yourself. Sleep in often. Take naps whenever possible. You will gain many wonderful things when you become a parent, but restful nights are not among them.
Why You Should Fire Your Lactation Consultant: The stressful and often conflicting advice of these “experts” is the reason I didn’t succeed with my first son. And now, nine months into my second breastfeeding journey, I can safely say that less is more in the way of expert advice.
I Ate My Placenta and So Should You: Yes, that’s right, I am now one of those weird hippies. Although, before you get too grossed out, I didn’t fry it up and serve it with a side of potatoes. I had my placenta encapsulated, and I highly recommend it!
10 Things No One Tells You About Postpartum Recovery: File this under "The Worst Thing No One Told Me." It didn’t even occur to me that using the restroom after having a baby would be so fraught with fear and discomfort. The truth is, going poop after having a baby is almost as difficult as having the baby itself.
Wishing you and yours a beautiful weekend.