Okay so you read that title and thought "Wow! Carla sure has gotten cocky!" And while I am pretty proud of myself, you've got the wrong idea! One of Jude's favorite movies is Epic (affiliate link, I highly recommend this one). So for Halloween he wanted to be Nod, a young and brave protector of the forest, a leafman. And he requested that Ronan be the hilarious slug, Mub. I was happy to oblige.
Jude's costume is made almost entirely of felt, hand painted to look like leafman armor. The sword is one I made him a while ago and he (luckily) already had green pajamas to wear underneath. The costume was easy to make with very little sewing involved. Jude helped me cut the felt and painted his own shin guards. The painting was the funnest part, my mom helped me with the back of the body armor and it came together quickly.
Speaking of quick, I made Ronan's slug costume a few hours before it was time to trick or treat. The body is a slug shaped sack of fleece with velcro closures at the shoulders. To make the hat I simply used a hood of his as a pattern. I threaded pipe cleaners through for the eyes and hot glued ping pong balls (colored with sharpie) on top. A dab of hot glue at the base of each eye helped them stand upright. I fastened the hood with a single snap. And there you have it, a warm and cozy baby slug!
We had a really fun Halloween. Jude was very excited to play a joke on his Pa by singing "Treat or Treat smell my feet .." And he had a blast going around our neighborhood. Ronan wasn't sure what to think, but he's always down for a nice walk.
Here's to handmade Halloween!