When I was pregnant with Ronan I had all of the very common concerns about having a second child. I knew I could love another child, but would it be the same? How would Jude take it? I wanted to give him a sibling, but would he see it as a gift? Would I be able to make him feel special and still have time for his baby brother?
I am so happy to say that while things haven't been prefect, they've been pretty wonderful. It turns out I do love Ronan just as much and as instantly as I fell in love with his brother. What's more, seeing Jude with the baby has added a whole new layer of adoration for my sweet and very special first son.
I first mentioned brotherly love in this post and I think I might make it a series. I know there are going to bumps in their relationship road, there already have been, but I'd really like to record the special moments of closeness for myself, and for them.
We told Jude that he had the very special and important job of giving his baby brother a nickname. After careful deliberation he settled on "Little."
Whenever Ronan cries Jude rushes to his side a pulls out all the stops to comfort him. First he says, "It's okay Little, you're okay." Then he breaks out in a rousing rendition of the ABC's. Followed by peek-a-boo (or peek-a-poo, gotta love four year old humor). He really hates to see him the least bit upset and loves to make him smile, which he does regularly.
I have always enjoyed morning snuggles with Jude. Now Ronan is usually already in bed with me when Jude awakens and comes into my room. Instead of wishing it was just the two of us, Jude adores snuggling his brother; I'm pretty sure he would prefer if it was just the two of them (no mom constantly reminding him to be extra gentle).
Ever since we got home from the hospital Jude will remark many times a day on how cute the baby is. "Look mom, isn't he cute?"
He loves showing him things: books, toys, funny faces, how to brush your teeth.
And Ronan, for his part, saves his biggest smiles and most adoring eyes for his big bro.
Here's to brotherly love.