This month's assignment for the Bold.Brilliant.Beautiful.YOU project is to write out a list of I am statements. Well, I sort of already did that in my first post. So today I would like to share with you just one "I am", it is one that is very true and yet I need to remind myself of daily. You see, I've got a lot going on and especially with a new baby on the way, large goals and grand plans just aren't in the cards for me right now. In fact, as much as I wish to add giant #boldbrilliantbeautiful goals to my plate, that plate already runneth over. And that's okay. If I can keep all the balls I have in the air from crashing down on my head I will consider it a fairly bold feat indeed. And if I can really own my awesome and focus on what I'm doing right, well that will be nothing short of brilliant. And if I can manage to shower regularly, that will be pretty beautiful. So my friends, without further ado ...
I am doing my very best ... and that is always enough.
Oh, and before I forget again - I'd like to mention that the photos from my first post were taken by Jude (with the help of a tripod) and he sure got into it. He was like a tiny Austin Powers, hilarious and awesome!
Would you like to join the #boldbrilliantbeautiful movement? Write your I am statement and share it on instagram with the hashtag #boldbrilliantbeautiful. If you've got a blog you can also join the blog hop below. Facebook more your thang? Join the facebook group!