Ladies and gents here is that tutorial for the DIY pillow sword and shield I promised. I've even thrown in a free pattern for the sword!
Quick note: As I have explained many times, my best creations (mini lounger, shark bag, etc.) are made in a mad dash. It is as if a flurry of inspiration takes over and I simply must figure out how to make something. It's really quite fun, although it leaves no time/energy for step by step pictures and meticulous notes. If I were charging you for this pattern it would have fully digitized pattern pieces and step by step photos. Instead, you get it for free and I will do my best to explain every step. I think it's a pretty fair deal. Plus, I'm only an email (smallfriendly at yahoo) away if have any questions!
All right, let's get crafting!
All right, let's get crafting!
Pillow Sword Tutorial
You'll need
- Pillow Sword Pattern
- 1/2" Pipe insulation (at least 2 ft)
- 1/8 yard of silver or gray quilting cotton (mine is a silver zig zag from JoAnn)
- Scrap of black or gray fabric for the handle
- Download Pillow Sword Pattern and print. Cut fabric according to pattern.
- Sew the sword pieces to the handle pieces. With right sides together line up the bottom edge of one piece of the sword with the top edge of one piece of the handle. With a 1/2" seam allowance, sew the pieces together, press open. Repeat with other pieces.
- Sew the whole thing together. With right sides facing, pin sword pieces together. With a 1/4" seam allowance sew all the way around, leaving the bottom of the handle open.
- Clip the corners and then turn your fabric right side out.
- Prep your insulation. Cut one piece about 20" long and two pieces about 2" long. (If your insulation has adhesive in at the slit, peel off the tape and seal all pieces shut.) Cut your long piece into a point on one end.
- Stuff your sword. First insert the short pieces into each side of the handle. Then, push the long piece (point first) into the sword.
- Tuck the raw edges of the end of the handle in and sew shut.
- Let your little one wield his/her mighty weapon (without worry of actually hurting anyone)!
Pillow Shield Tutorial
* Note if you are looking for a more traditional shield shape Busily Spinning Mom has an awesome tutorial. If you'd like to make a super simple round version, keep reading.
You'll need
- 1/2 yard of fabric (something heavier than quilting cotton - I learned this the hard way as mine has already had to be reinforced at the handles)
- about 12" of 1" nylon strapping
- batting
- optional: cool fabric for applique (mine came from a dress I once wore to winter formal circa 1996)
- Cut two circles about 16" in diameter.
- Optional: Add your applique. I used Heat'n Bond and then applied a simple zig zag stitch around the edge.
- Apply your handles. Cut your nylon in half and melt all edges to seal them. Stitch the straps to the center of the circle about 4" apart. Make sure that the straps are not attached totally flat to the fabric, you want room to slip your arm through. Use two rows of stitches about 1/2" apart on each end.
- Sew up the pillow. With right sides together stitch around the circle, leaving a four inch gap.
- Stuff and seal. Clip the edges of your pillow, turn it right side out and stuff. Hand (or machine) sew the opening closed.
- Protect your little knight, viking, superhero! (Also makes a nice spot to grab a little nap between dragon slayings.)
Happy Crafting! I hope your kiddo loves their pillow fighting sword and shield as much as mine does!