That's my plan for the new year. I have no idea what I'm getting into this year. I plan to try to turn blogging into my business, all the while staying true to me. Oh and, there's that whole adding another family member thing. Yep, 2014 is sure to be a roller coaster. I figure I have two options: stress out and try to control everything (my natural inclination) or simple enjoy the ride.
I have many redeeming qualities, but I'm pretty sure anyone who knows me would never describe me as laid back. This year I don't want to force myself to become something I'm not; I just want to remind myself that the less you fight your path the more room and energy you have for fun. So I hope to embrace this year's inevitable dips with a sense humor and ride the highs with as much focus as possible. I know it will take a considerable amount of letting go, but I think I'm ready. In fact I'm pretty darn excited.
Happy New Year friends, may 2014 be our best yet!
P.S. - I was hoping to have that sword tutorial up this week but the roller coaster seems to have made a couple twists so be on the lookout Monday.