Have you ever caught yourself apologizing for your passions? Answering a compliment with caveats? Feeling the need to explain yourself or justify your choices? I know I have. I struggle with how to respond when someone "can't believe" I sewed my child's pants or baked 36 mini cupcakes from sctrach. And I feel absolutely awful when sharing my passions makes someone else feel badly about themselves. As women, and perhaps especially as moms, we are living in a world full of comparison, competition, and judgement whether real or perceived. Well, I think it's high time that stopped!
I'm finished apologizing for who I am, it is the only person I know how to be. I am an overachiever. I am a binge Sherlock watcher. I am a maker. I am a dusting avoider. I am a from scratch cooker and a vegetable gardener. I am a mom doing the best she can each day, some days are better than others. I am a fiercely loyal friend. I am a loving, though often impatient, wife. I am a woman striving everyday to be a little better. Striving to be bold, brilliant, and beautiful.
Throughout the year, I'm joining forces with some of my blogging friends to motivate and encourage both ourselves and others to be bold and step out from behind the lens, projects, and mama status to show ourselves. That's right, we're doing something just for us.
And we're inviting you to join us! Each of us has something bold, brilliant, and beautiful inside—whether it's a dream to ask for a promotion, wear those sparkly shoes in the back of our closet, or start a non-profit. The #boldbrilliantbeautiful project is a support group for all of us seeking to be real and vulnerable. No judging, no questions, just support and words of encouragement.
Be a part of the project by using #boldbrilliantbeautiful on instagram and twitter to find other women like you, who are looking to make 2014 their best, most authentic year yet!
Here is a list of the other lovely bloggers participating, we so hope you'll join us!
imagine gants * casa crafty * Made with Moxie * this heart of mine * Rajovilla * The Southern Institute * small + friendly * Kids Stuff World * Classic Play * Buzzmills * Even If Nobody Reads This * Maker Mama