My favorite part of the internet is its ability to connect people. I have made so many wonderful friends thanks to the world wide web. It is that spirit of connection that I'd like to share with you today.
I have teamed up with some of the the most amazing bloggers out there, we are calling ourselves Creative Mamas (#creativemamas) and we want you to join in the fun! On instagram, facebook, and twitter use the hashtag #creativemamas when you share something inspriring, handmade, or just plain cool. You can check out the instgram feed here and follow me @smallfriendly. There is also a really inspiring facebook list that includes all the Creative Mamas, you can subscribe here and find me here.
Is Pinterest your social media of choice? I know it's my favorite. We have a collaborative board called Mamas...Making that is all kinds of awesome. From sewing tutorials to connecting with your kids, this board has got you covered.
But wait, there's more! You can also subscribe to our Flipboard magazine, curated by the fabulous Stacy Teet.
I hope you find these new ways to connect as rewarding as I have. I can't wait to see what you've been up to!
P.S. - The beautiful first graphic was created my Michelle of Molly Moo.