Today I've got a really cool story to share with you. I was thinking about a nice, positive story I could write for The Best Part and I realized I never blogged about the time my wonderful husband helped a stranger, and how he was repaid.
One cloudy evening a stranger knocked on our door. He had a slightly overgrown beard and perhaps not the nicest of clothes. My husband, Jason, answered the door and the man asked to buy a piece of pipe off of his truck. To clarify, my husband is a plumber and his work truck was parked in the driveway. The man could have easily helped himself to a piece of pipe and we most likely wouldn't have ever noticed. Surprised my his odd request, Jason said there was no need to pay him, it was a fairly short piece of plastic pipe, that he could have it. Next Jason noticed that the man was limping, he was using the pipe as a crutch. Jason called after him, tried to offer him a ride, but the man refused. We sat that evening worrying about that strange man. Hoping he was okay, and wishing we could have helped more.
The next night there was a knock at the door. It was raining and when I got to the door I saw only an envelope and wet bike tire marks on the porch. The envelope contained $100 and one of the kindest thank you notes I have ever read. He said that he had hurt is leg and had a long walk home and no one helped him. No one would even looked him in the eye. He said that Jason's kindness renewed his faith in the world. And that the pipe was exactly what he needed to get home comfortably. He said that he had plenty of money in the bank and wanted our family to have this gift as a token of his appreciation. He said that my husband was a wonderful man that was sure to make me happy for the rest of my life. He couldn't have been more right.
We used the cash to give generously to the next few neighborhood kids looking for donations. But that note, we will cherish forever. It is such a beautiful reminder of the magic of kindness.
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