In the hopes that all of our East Coast friends have braved the storm, I thought it would be an excellent time to bring this post hope. This was a guest post on the fabulous imagine gnats from last year. I hope it brings a bit of California sunshine to everyone.
We all know those winter days, the ones when the weather outside is frightful, and you have tons to get done. Bad enough on your own, but add a pent-up toddler and frightful isn't the half of it. I have assembled a few tips designed to help you deal, or at the very least make you laugh.
Okay here goes:
1. Never disturb a toddler engaged in solo play.

Stumbling upon a little one engrossed in play, without any adult attention, is like discovering an endangered species. The last thing you want to do is scare it off. Don't make any sudden movements or loud noises, you just might get enough alone time to check a few emails or apply a little makeup. A load of laundry perhaps?
2. Laundry basket workout.

Want to entertain your toddler and tone your body? I've got your ultimate multitasking workout. Stick you little one in a laundry basket and push them around the house as if they are in a race car. When they beg for more it's like having your own personal Jillian Michaels. Happy kid, sculpted mommy.
3. Bake something.
You already worked out. Bake something sweet with your toddler, anything, though preferably with chocolate. Okay, this doesn't help you get anything done, but it's super fun. I highly recommend leaving any dishes for Daddy.
4. Read. But don't repeat.
Every parent knows how a toddler can listen to the same story on repeat for hours. I had to "lose" Brown Bear, Brown Bear so that I didn't lose my mind. Then I discovered a solution. Read a beloved story once (or twice) and then it's your kid's turn. One of two things will happen. They will lose interest and you can both move on...or, they will read it to you, and it will be so cute and funny, you will totally forget about your to-do list. I guess with a toddler there's always option number three: a tantrum. Which is a perfect excuse to ignore them while tackling another thing on that list of to-dos.
5. Bath time.
When it all gets to be a bit too much, stick them in the bath ... water optional.
If your little one loves water, go ahead and add an extra bath to the day (I'm pretty sure it never killed anyone). If water equals tears, think of the bath as a mess containing playpen. Get them some paints and yourself a magazine, the day will be over before you know it.
I hope these tips provide a little sunshine to your otherwise gloomy day.
Here's to the adventure that is parenthood: rain or shine, sleet or snow!