First of all, I have a confession to make: we are far from a screen-free family. While we do have limits on screen time, Jude watches a little TV after dinner, and my ipad has more than one kid app on it. That said, I believe there is nothing quite as extrodinary as that little piece of low-tech media we call a book. These books have all the excitement of the latest app, no batteries required. They are also extra special because they hold Jude's attention without someone reading to him. As I have mentioned before, solo-activities with staying power are highly prized around here, and these five titles buy me precious minutes while stimulating Jude's noggin, it's a win-win!
1. Press Here
by Herve Tullet - There is pure genius in the simplicity of this book. Tap, count, shake, turn the page ... magic happens!
2. Look! A Book!
by Bob Staake - Basically a way cooler version of Where's Waldo. I must admit, I love this book just as much as Jude. The illustrations are just plain rad and often hilarious. Plus, there are cut outs between pages that make it extra special.
3. Look! Another Book!
by Bob Staake - Because one is not enough. Jude will pour over these pages for long stretches at a time. And the way the cut-outs reveal things helps little ones feel as though they are "reading".
4. Encyclopedia Prehistorica Dinosaurs
by Robert Sabuda & Matthew Reinhart - Elaborate and beautiful pop-ups with loads of info and bonus mini pop-ups on each page, this is the book that keeps on giving.
5. The Wheels on the Bus
by Paul Zelinsky - Levers to pull and a song to sing, plus gorgeous illustrations, this gem never gets old.
Have you read any of these? Did I miss your favorite?
Here's to the magical power of books!