This weekend has been a mix of busy and fun . . .
:: Friday was a tour of a preschool (not going to happen right now).
:: A wellness check up at the best pediatrician in the world: See those raspberries up there? He picked a whole quart of them, special for Jude.
:: A quiet lunch spent outside soaking up the last days of summer.
:: Friday night this mama got to go have drinks with her best friend.
:: Saturday was spent celebrating my cousin's upcoming nuptials with a bachelorette day at the amusement park (roller coasters and I don't mix, and my dogs are still barking). It was a pleasure to celebrate with a great group of gals.
:: Sunday was a meeting with a catering client (oh, I never mentioned that I cooked professionally, there's a lot of things you don't know about me, like I don't answer the door when I'm eating).
:: Now, I'm off the the grocery store and then hopefully a little rest before another full week.
Here's hoping your weekend was beyond lovely.
P.S. - Don't forget there's still time to enter the Vanity Fair Sweepstakes and the Crafting Connections Giveaway.
P.P.S. - linking up with Amanda