My kitchen is freshly painted and uncharacteristically clean, want a tour? Hurry, before pizza night starts and everything is covered in flour. Don't worry, it won't take long. In fact, if you stand right here at the entrance, you can see the whole thing.
I love my small kitchen. What it lacks in size and newness, it makes up for in vintage charm and functionality.
Oh, before I forget ... Can I get you anything to drink? Coffee, tea?
There are lots of reasons to love a small kitchen. I thought I'd use this tour to highlight a few of them.
Everything is within reach. No giant island to walk around. No space to store unnecessary equipment. Enough room for me and a small helper, not enough for the entire party.
I spend more than my fair share of time in this space, and while there are things I'd love to change (better flooring, banquet seating, a fancy range, a skylight), the changes we have made (shelving, butcher block, paint, dishwasher, hardware) make it a functional, cheery space.
See that little door up there? That's where my ironing board lives. It is so fabulously fifties, it actually makes me want to iron. The cabinets, tile countertop, and sink are all fifties original as well.
Looking for a few details? The door and above the cabinets are covered in chalkboard paint. The door serves as menu board, message central, and art station. Above the cabinets I wrote an Italian saying that I love: "La cucina piccola fa la casa grande." (A small kitchen makes a large home.) Walls and ceiling are Sharky Gray (Martha Stewart) and the cabinets are Decorator's White (Behr). A big thank you to good old IKEA for: cabinet pulls, metal shelves, butcher block, light fixtures, and dining table.
The embroidered potholders are a family heirloom. The fantastic painting is by my bestie. My fabulous husband built the shelf above the painting to house my ever growing collection of cookbooks.
Well, that pretty much sums it up. Small, yes. Functional, it works for me three times a day, seven days a week. Loved, undoubtedly.
Thanks so much for stopping by. Hopefully next time you can stay for pizza!