My love of dahlias is no secret. Anyone who knows me well, knows it is my favorite flower. I'm sure many of my readers have picked up on it, I've counted no fewer than four posts that feature them.
And if you are to visit my garden between the months of May and November you will have no doubt. I am a dahlia lover through and through. And I'm not talking one or two pale beauties. It seems I've created a garden where the flowers resemble their owner: big, tall, bright, loud, and more than a little over the top.
They make me exceedingly happy. So happy in fact, that I'm willing to break my general gardening rule just for them. The rule being: if it's not food, I don't want to water it. So my perennial bed is an eclectic mix of drought tolerant lovelies (yarrow, blanket flower, flax, Jerusalem sage), edibles (artichokes, strawberries, and pomegranate), and these:
Want a huge bouquet full of flowers the size of my child's head? Just invite me over for dinner (don't worry, I'll bring wine too).
Here's to the power of homegrown happiness.
What's your favorite flower?
P.S. - The winner of the Salme Playsuit pattern is: Jenny of Mend & Make New!