Meg of Sew Liberated had an awesome idea. She is sharing great after nap activities all week and invited everyone to share theirs as well, she's calling it Things We Do After Naps. I am always looking for new ways to encourage creative play (and fill that hour after nap-time, before Daddy gets home). I thought I would do a little round-up of things I've already blogged about and hopefully later this week I'll add a few new ones!
Clockwise from top left: Pasta Beading, Homemade Playdough, Toddler Art, Simple Sorting, Deluxe Sandbox
Will you be joining in? Have you got any ideas to share? I am hoping to add a few more sensory art projects to our routine and I could really use some solo-play ideas (sometimes Mommy needs to fold laundry ... or pee).
Here's to a week of toddler fun!