We always talk about how fast our kids grow up, but what about ourselves? Wasn't I just a kid ... now I have one?!? Friday will mark my 29th year on this planet. That means I've got 367 days until I am the big three-o. I am actually not at all freaked out about turning 30, in fact, I'm kind of looking forward to it. It is a big milestone though, and a great opportunity to set some new goals. I decided to create a list of 30 things I hope to accomplish before I turn thirty. I did not invent this concept, but I really like it. Nicole, of Making it Lovely, has a very inspiring list.
You can find my list here: 30 Before Thirty. You will notice that most of the items are quite selfish ... you might think I was a single gal with nothing but time ... in reality, all of the other things that could be on that list (ie - spend quality time with my family, strive to raise Jude the very best I can) don't need to be, because they are my first priority and happen whether they are on a list or not. This list is intentionally self-centered, I guess in a way, it's my birthday gift to myself.
Some items are silly and some are quite ambitious. Here's hoping they all get done. I've got one year - wish me luck!