I've been wanting to make play dough since I saw this post on Bambino Steps. This weekend, I finally got it together. Being the avid chef that he is, Jude helped me make the dough, which is super easy, by the way. And then, after demonstrating and explaining the importance of putting the dough away when finished (lest it dry out), the real fun began ...
I'm not sure who had more fun, him playing, or Jason and I watching him. And when he was done, he did in fact clean it all up! Homemade play dough is where it's at! Next time we make a batch, I want to try natural dyes like this dough in Rhythm of the Home. I also plan to try this sorting idea from Oh Baby O! Then of course, there all the fun kitchen tools - garlic press for playdough doll hair anyone?
Here's to simple play with endless possibilities!