I am super excited to be participating in the Kids Clothes Week Challenge hosted on elsie marley this year! Last year I watched and marveled ... This year I'm throwing caution and insecurity to the wind, and by the end of KCWC, Jude will have something mama-made (hopefully a few things) if it kills me! With my lack of time and limited skill, I have been doing as much prep work as possible: pre-washing fabric, cleaning up my sewing table, scouring the interweb for ideas, and maybe cheating just a little:
I know, I know ... but, I need the head start, and if I don't finish this soon, it will be WAY too hot for him to wear it.
Are you following along? How many items do you think are doable, if you spend about an hour a day sewing for a week?
Here's hoping I rise to the challenge!