All threat of frost has finally passed, and if you haven't planted any tomatoes yet, now is the time! Every gardener has their own special method of planting tomatoes, and I thought I would share mine. I start by adding lots of fresh compost to my raised beds. (Tomatoes can also be planted in large pots, or right in the ground, as long as they get at least 8 hours of sun each day.) Then I remove the bottom leaves from each plant so they look like this:
All of those little hairs on the stem will become roots, making the plant much stronger. Once I have removed the bottom leaves, I plant the seedling nice and deep so that it looks like this:
Last, but not least, I give each tomato a nice deep watering. I planted seven plants in two staggered rows with each plant about 2 feet apart. Here are the varieties I am trying this year: Red Fig, Super San Marzano, Cour di Bue, Sungold, Costoluto Genovese, Pineapple, and Big Beef. I'll be sure to report which ones perform (and taste) best. I will also be sharing my tomato staking and trimming techniques soon. I can't wait for the harvest - there is nothing like a home grown tomato!